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Somerset Regional Council Meeting Highlights - 12 June 2024

Small scale transport depot approved
Somerset Regional Council has conditionally approved a small-scale transport depot at Maroske Road, Royston.
Council received almost 300 submissions in support..

Published: 13th June 2024


Small scale transport depot approved

Somerset Regional Council has conditionally approved a small-scale transport depot at Maroske Road, Royston.

Council received almost 300 submissions in support of the application and nine opposing.

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said reaching a decision on the application was not easy.

“It is important to acknowledge that Council is limited to assessing development applications on their planning merit, which is guided by our Planning Scheme and the State Planning Legislation,” Cr Wendt said.

“Notwithstanding this, Council has approved reasonable conditions limiting hours of operation, number of trucks and movement of these trucks to help the business provide their services while limiting the impacts to neighbouring properties.”


Tender Awarded for sports facility

Somerset Regional Council has awarded a tender of management of the Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre.

The current arrangement finishes at the end of August.

During council’s ordinary meeting on 12 June, Councl awarded the new tender to Somerset Health and Fitness starting 1 September 2024 through to 31 August 2027.


Financial support for history celebration

Somerset Regional Council, through the Regional Arts Development Fund, has awarded more than $10,000 to the organisers of a historical celebration.

Organisers of the 150 years of Stonehouse event, which is a two-day culturally significant event highlighting the history of a rare collection of stone buildings in Somerset and neighbouring regions.

The celebration on 27 and 28 July 2024 at Stonehouse in Moore will feature bush poetry, author talks, blacksmith demonstrations and more.


Councillors appointed to advisory committees for town improvement projects

Somerset Regional Council has created two new advisory committees to progress its urban renewal strategies for Lowood and Kilcoy.

The adopted strategies, specifically the Lowood Futures Strategy and Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation Project Master Plan, provide an overall vision and implementation framework that amplify the respective towns unique brands and identities of each town while considering predicted future growth. 

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the strategic documents were developed in consultation with the community.

“These documents provide direction on the redevelopment of the townships to better cater for the growing needs of the community,” Mayor Jason Wendt said.

In addition to Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt, Councillors Michael Bishop and Helen Brieschke were appointed to the Lowood Futures Advisory Committee and Councillors Tiara Hurley, Kylee Isidro and Mayor Wendt have been appointed to the Kilcoy Streetscape Advisory Committee.

Council will soon call for expressions of interests from community representatives to participate on these advisory committees.

For more information on the strategy documents visit


Advocacy campaign to focus on key Somerset issues

Somerset Regional Council will soon launch an advocacy campaign ahead of the October 2024 State Government election.

At Council’s meeting on Wednesday 12 June, Council agreed on six regionally significant matters to pursue with the major political parties.  

“Council will now develop our campaign and call upon the major parties to respond to our priority areas ahead of October”, Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said.

“These advocacy asks are Somerset-first-focussed and respond to our major local priorities and include a call for investment in the Brisbane Valley Highway, resources to fight Fire Ants and improved public safety in the Mid-Brisbane River.


NB: Somerset Regional Council held its ordinary in the Simeon Lord room at the Esk Library on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 9am. 


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