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Somerset Regional Council Meeting Highlights 29 November 2024
Somerset Regional Council will expand its rate delivery options in the new year.
Somerset ratepayers can opt in for email notices
Somerset Regional Council will expand its rate delivery options in the new year.
Mayor Jason Wendt said residents will be able to register for an email service after the February 2025 rate notice is issued.
“Currently 7.4% of Somerset ratepayers are registered for Council’s BPay View service to get electronic rate notices through their banking apps,” Cr Wendt said.
“These and all other ratepayers also receive rate notices by post.
“Council is introducing the new email delivery service to allow a smooth transition away from postal delivery of rates, but we are not forcing anyone to change.
“Council will not be charging residents who choose to continue receiving paper rate notices.
“We will also not stop delivering rate notices via mail where an owner has not opted for email delivery.”
A consent form to receive rate notices by email will be attached to the February 2025 rate notice.
“Council has followed complex legal requirements in introducing this new service and our team will be happy to assist property owners to complete the consent form if they need help,” Cr Wendt said.
“We know that nobody enjoys filling out forms, but ratepayers should only need to do this once and have one less paper bill if that’s what they want.”
Council purchases land to progress Lowood Futures Strategy
Somerset Regional Council is purchasing a 1060sqm lot in Lowood between Railway Street and Clock Park.
The purchase will allow Council to progress the Lowood Futures Strategy.
Previously, Council leased the land from the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said purchasing the land was a priority for Council in progressing its plans for Lowood’s town centre.
“This is a small but important investment into the future and betterment of Lowood,” Cr Wendt said.
“Council will continue to update the community on progress for the Lowood Futures Strategy.”
Lease arrangements renewed for Esk and Fernvale Lions
Somerset Regional Council will renew two lease agreements with the Lions Club of Esk and Lions Club of Fernvale.
Council’s new 10-year lease agreement with the Lions Club of Fernvale for use of 6 Clive Street in Fernvale will start 1 January 2025.
Council will also enter a three-year lease agreement with the Lions Club of Esk for use of the Esk Railway Station buildings, starting 1 December 2025.
The new leases will allow the community groups to continue servicing Somerset’s towns through sponsorship and assistance of a range of events and initiatives.
Toogoolawah gym extension tender appointment
Somerset Regional Council has accepted a tender from Daniel Banditt Constructions Pty Ltd for the construction of the Toogoolawah Community Gym extension.
Somerset Deputy Mayor Helen Brieschke said Council scored tenders on price, experience, and resources.
“Tenderers local to Somerset were given an additional 10% weighting, demonstrating Council’s commitment to supporting Somerset businesses,” Cr Brieschke said.
“Council reviewed three conforming tender responses and found the response from Daniel Banditt Constructions represented the best value for money per the selection criteria.”
The gym is expanding by 100sq m, allowing for additional classes and activities to be held at the gym.
The extension will also include more car parks to accommodate the facility’s growth.
A tender for the Toogoolawah Community Gym extension has been granted to Somerset business Daniel Banditt Constructions Pty Ltd.

Council to support Clean Up Australia Day 2025
Somerset Regional Council will support Clean Up Australia Day 2025 by removing litter from registered clean-up sites.
Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Sunday, 2 March 2025, and Council will acknowledge the 35th anniversary of the national activity with community groups across the region.
To find out more about Clean Up Australia Day visit:
2025 Somerset Garden Competition changes
In reviewing the 2024 Somerset Garden Competition, Somerset Regional Council will replace a low-entry category with a new, more accessible one.
Somerset Councillor and 2024 judge Sally Jess said the changes would encourage more participation.
“We received feedback there were some residents who wanted to enter but they only had small courtyard gardens, or gardens made out of pot plants,” Cr Jess said.
“Meanwhile, in the Business and Community Group category Council only received two entries.
“Next year, this category will be replaced with a Best Tiny Garden category, opening the competition to more residents.
“This will encourage people living in units, lifestyle villages, aged care or caravan parks to enter.”
The garden competition runs annually from July to September.
City Deal funding secures art for the rail trail
Somerset Regional Council will receive $400,000 for artwork installation through the South East Queensland (SEQ) City Deal Public Art Initiative.
Somerset Councillor and Arts Culture and Heritage Committee Chair Kylee Isidro said Council wanted to ensure value for money and a proliferation of artworks across the region.
“Council has decided to utilise the funding to commission various art installations for the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail,” Cr Isidro said.
“We are always looking for ways to enhance the rail trail experience, and this is the perfect opportunity to create additional excitement for the trail.”
Cr Isidro said the installations would be guided by a Public Art Delivery Plan, to be developed by consultants.
“The plan will define the expectations of Council, the community and artists, and would involve a call for applications for possible sites, themes and types of art works,” Cr Isidro said.
Under the guidelines, Council is required to develop and submit projects for assessment and approval by 25 May 2025.
Council sponsors Australia Day rides and races
Somerset Regional Council has sponsored two community groups hosting Australia Day events in 2025.
Council will provide $2,750 and value-in-kind support to the eighth annual Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Australia Day Bike Ride event, held Sunday, 26 January 2025.
The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Users Association hosts the family bike ride between Fernvale and Esk each year and it has grown in popularity.
Council will also provide the Kilcoy Race Club with $2,200 to support the Summer Festival of Racing and Sprinting.
The festival includes the Kilcoy Christmas Cup Race Day on 12 December 2024, the New Year Cup Race Day on 2 January 2025 and the Kilcoy Australia Day Racing Carnival on 26 January 2025, including the coveted ‘Kilcoy Gift’ sprint events.
Vale Linda Howe
Somerset Regional Council offers its condolences to the family of Linda Howe of Moore following her recent passing.
Somerset Deputy Mayor Helen Brieschke spoke about Linda’s legacy at the 27 November ordinary meeting.
Cr Brieschke said Linda was a stalwart of the Moore Soldiers Memorial Hall, the Supper Room Art Gallery and kitchen, Bric-a-Brac shop and the famous Moore Markets.
“Linda had a passion for art and supporting local artists and was a member of The Condensery Advisory Committee,” Cr Brieschke said.
“The Moore artists were one of the first groups to exhibit when The Condensery opened and as well as filling the space with art.”
As a community volunteer, Linda liaised considerably with Council on many projects over the years and her knowledge has been invaluable.
“Linda and Husband, Bob, are founders of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Ambassadors and were very much hands on in looking after the section of the Rail Trail through Moore and Linville,” Cr Brieschke said.
“Linda and Bob also took keen interest in the Friends of Stonehouse at Moore.”
Showgrounds review identifies priority upgrades
With five showgrounds and three other privately owned equestrian facilities in the region, Somerset has great potential for equestrian activities and events.
Somerset Regional Council owns and manages three facilities, the Fernvale Recreation Ground, Esk Racecourse and Showgrounds, and the Kilcoy Showgrounds.
Consultants have reviewed master plans for these three facilities and undertaken additional review to identify high priority projects across the showgrounds.
Somerset Councillor Sally Jess said Council endorsed the consultant’s recommendations.
“In Esk, we would be looking at refurbishing and extending the Jockey Club dining hall and extending the golf club storage shed,” Cr Jess said.
“The Fernvale Recreation Grounds main arena can be improved to support the existing users, and to re-establish prior uses including endurance, barrel racing and rodeo events.
“Meanwhile, in Kilcoy we would look at realigning the internal road network, constructing a new show pavilion and office, and developing a new maintenance shed precinct.”
Somerset Visitor Accommodation Review
As part of the Somerset Tourism Strategy 2021-2025, Somerset Regional Council appointed a consultant to review the accommodation options within the region.
The assessment focused on supply and demand, market preferences and investment opportunities in the region.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the report spoke to the quality and growth of Somerset’s tourism sector.
“The report identified 120 unique accommodation properties and 8,807 beds in Somerset, up from 6,819 beds in 2022, Cr Wendt said.
“The average listing price was $265, lower than the averages in the Scenic Rim or Sunshine Coast, but with a higher average rating of 4.94 stars.
“This is fantastic news and tells us Somerset is a great place to holiday.
“It also shows more people are choosing to visit Somerset and more tourism operators are choosing to invest in Somerset.”
Cr Wendt said there was still a long journey ahead to foster tourism investment in Somerset.
“The report provided 16 recommendations around the themes of advocacy, education and innovation, which Council has now endorsed,” Cr Wendt said.
Green scorecard for Economic Development Strategy
Somerset Regional Council received the 2024 Annual Scorecard of the Economic Development Strategy Actions at its ordinary meeting on 27 November.
The Strategy focuses on three strategies to grow Somerset’s economy: marketing and promotion, planning for the future, and facilitating change.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said Council was proud to have 16 out of 22 actions across the strategy marked with the green progress traffic light, indicating Council was meeting its targets.
“We are a small Council team, servicing a large region with diverse needs and priorities,” Cr Wendt said.
Next Somerset Council Meeting
Somerset Regional Council will hold its final ordinary council meeting for 2024 on Thursday, 19 December in Esk.
NB: Somerset Regional Council held its ordinary meeting in the Simeon Lord Room at the Esk Library on Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 9am.