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Somerset Regional Council Meeting Highlights - 19 DECEMBER 2024
Fernvale development refused in community’s interest
Fernvale development refused in community’s interest
Somerset Regional Council have refused a development application for 121 residential housing lots on land at Brouff Road, Goan Lane and Forest Hill Fernvale Road in Fernvale.
Council was directed by the State Assessment and Referral Agency to refuse the application as it conflicts with state mapping for vegetation with significance (koala habitat).
Council is also required to assess the application on its merits as part of the relevant legislative process.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said Council refused the development for several reasons.
“The land is heavily vegetated with core koala habitat and this application proposed to remove about 11 hectares of vegetation, which Council simply could not support,” Cr Wendt said.
“Council is aligned with the community in this respect, with many public submissions raising concerns over the koala population and impacts on the environment.”
Cr Wendt said Council had to balance the need for additional housing with the interests of the community.
“This development was proposed for the emerging community zone and the small size of the blocks was not consistent with this zoning,” he said.
“Also, within Fernvale there are already several large subdivision approvals which are yet to be built.
“This proposal is inconsistent with the Somerset Region Planning Scheme and does not achieve the outcomes identified in the assessment benchmarks for which the application was required to be assessed.”
Energex’s Esk Depot Appeal Continues into New Year
Somerset Regional Council is imploring the State Government ministers to take action to end the ongoing legal dispute with Energex over its Esk Depot.
At its ordinary meeting on 19 December, Council resolved to contact relevant Ministers of the State Government to seek their assistance in determining if there are any alternative means of resolving this matter with the aim of avoiding a costly and exhaustive hearing in the Planning and Environment Court.
On 21 June 2023, Council considered, and refused, a development application from Energex to build a multi-use depot consisting of low impact industry, warehouse, and office space on residential land in Esk.
This decision was grounded in the statutory Somerset Region Planning Scheme, which designates the site within a General Residential Zone and identifies an irreconcilable conflict with the proposed use.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said he was disappointed the matter was dragging on as the development, in a suitable location, was important to the community.
“We have made it very clear, on numerous occasions, that Council has a desire to retain the Energex depot within the region, not only to maintain the presence of Energex to support emergency services during natural disasters, but also to avoid disrupting the families of workers who live here in Somerset,” Cr Wendt said.
“We have on numerous occasions proven that we are willing to work with Energex to find a suitable site however to no avail.
“We are now facing a costly and exhaustive hearing in the Planning and Environment Court between Council and Energex, a subsidiary of Energy Queensland Limited, and a State-Government owned corporation.
“Unfortunately, based on advice from legal counsel and having regard to Council’s statutory obligations to administer and uphold the requirements of its planning scheme, it is now likely that Council will be drawn into a costly and exhaustive hearing unless an alternative course can be followed to deal with the matter, an expense that will ultimately impact all Somerset ratepayers.”
Council will now write to relevant Ministers ahead of further Planning and Environment Court reviews scheduled in early 2025 and seek resolution without resorting to an extended legal and expensive dispute.
Short term tourism accommodation approved for Wivenhoe Hill
Somerset Regional Council has approved a short-term accommodation facility on Logan Inlet Road at Wivenhoe Hill.
The development will include eight tourist cabins, a manager’s residence, a communal facility and car parking.
The cabins will be in the north-west part of the property to create privacy while taking advantage of lakeside views.
The communal facility will include a pool, recreation area and a concrete slab designed for temporary marquees, making it suitable for functions and receptions.
This facility will be available for hire, seven days a week.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said this development capitalised on the natural beauty of Lake Wivenhoe.
“This is a great development application and supports the findings in Council’s accommodation review,” Cr Wendt said.
“More accommodation in Somerset is always welcome and the function facility will be a great location for celebrations and events.”
Somerset Councillor Brett Freese said the region was crying out for more developments like this.
“This is a wonderful application and I got quite excited reading it,” Cr Freese said.
“It’s a spectacular location with a fantastic view.”
A development application for short-term accommodation at Wivenhoe Hill will include a communal facility designed for functions and receptions.

Council land in Braemore and Colinton to go under the hammer
Following a review of all freehold land holdings, Somerset Regional Council has identified six parcels of land for sale in Braemore and Colinton.
The parcels include four 4,000sq m lots on Colinton Street and McConnel Street in Braemore, and a 5,600sq m lot and 12,100 sqm lot on Nurinda Road in Colinton.
Council resolved to sell the lots via tender.
If no tender responses are accepted, Council may consider selling the lots through a real estate agent.
Motorcycle club 2025 calendar approved by Council
Somerset Regional Council received the Kilcoy Motorcycle Club’s proposed event calendar for 2025 at its ordinary meeting on 19 December.
The Club is required to submit the calendar to Council for approval as part of its Land Management Plan (LMP).
The proposed calendar is compliant with the LMP and was approved by Council.
Council to develop MoU for community-led places of refuge
Somerset Regional Council will develop a standard Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) template for community places of refuge, recognising their place during disasters.
Recently, Council has been approached by several organisations seeking to formalise their role within the Local Disaster Management Plan.
Council has held discussions with the Linville Progress Association (Linville Hall), Somerset Dam and Districts Progress Association (Coronation Hall), Moore Soldiers Memorial Hall and Coominya Public Hall Inc regarding use of their facilities as community-led places of refuge.
Somerset Mayor and Local Disaster Management Group Chair Jason Wendt said effectively serving and supporting the community during disasters was a challenge given the size of the Somerset region.
“The community will often stand up and assist with housing the stranded, and having this MoU will detail the obligations of Council and the providers of places of refuge,” Cr Wendt said.
“These places of refuge are community led, and Council is limited in how it can assist during events.
“The community groups responsible for managing the facilities are expected to operate and provide resources when they are activated as a place of refuge.
“Formalising these agreements can assist these community groups in applying for certain grants to upgrade their facilities.”
High school all-rounders rewarded for their efforts
Three Somerset high school students received a $500 student bursary from Somerset Regional Council.
The ‘Somerset Regional Council All-Rounder Award’ recipient is a year 10 student selected by each high school in Somerset to assist with a student’s educational fees.
Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt congratulated the students for their efforts.
“The chosen students demonstrate effective leadership, a high level of academic achievement and involvement in a variety of school and community activities,” Cr Wendt said.
“I am honoured to announce the 2024 recipients of the Somerset Regional Council All-Rounder Award are Zoe Pendergast from Kilcoy State High School, Anunta Kongpreephan-Smith from Lowood State High School and Grace Jardine from Toogoolawah State High School.”
Council supports world-star junior golfer with bursary
Somerset Regional Council awarded junior Kilcoy golfer Ryder Cochran with $1,000 through its Somerset Excellence Bursaries program.
Ryder has been selected as part of the team attending the World Stars New Zealand Junior Open at Windross Golf Course in Auckland, held in January 2025.
Next Somerset Council Meeting
Somerset Regional Council will hold its first ordinary council meeting for 2025 on Wednesday, 22 January in Esk.
NB: Somerset Regional Council held its ordinary meeting in the Simeon Lord Room at the Esk Library on Thursday, 19 December 2024 at 9am.