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Somerset Regional Council Weekly Highlights 3 January 2025

Published: 3rd January 2025


Council makes case for Lake Wivenhoe in Brisbane 2032

Somerset Regional Council, Seqwater and Rowing Queensland have written a joint submission for the Brisbane 2032 Games 100 Day Review, outlining the benefits of Lake Wivenhoe as a training venue.

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the submission made a strong case for Lake Wivenhoe’s future.

“We’re not advocating for Lake Wivenhoe to supersede Wyaralong Dam as the primary competition venue, but rather as a complementary training venue to support athletes,” Cr Wendt said.

“This aligns with the guiding principle of the Olympics – maximising the use of existing infrastructure while delivering legacy benefits.

“Lake Wivenhoe’s inclusion would create lasting economic, social and environmental benefits.”

The lake has been used as a training venue for rowing since 1986 and became important for athletes preparing for local, national and international competitions, including in the lead up to the Seoul, Barcelona, Atlanta and Sydney Olympics in 2000.

Cr Wendt said Council wanted Lake Wivenhoe to continue this legacy.

“We can see Lake Wivenhoe becoming an attractive venue, not just for Australian athletes but for international rowing teams wishing to train prior to Brisbane 2032,” Cr Wendt said.


Somerset Regional Council, Seqwater and Rowing Queensland would like to see Lake Wivenhoe return as a training venue for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games.



More Somerset School Holiday Program fun in January

Start the new year with a range of fun and crafty activities at Somerset Libraries.

Somerset Regional Council has a range of activities for the little ones in January 2025 including library bag painting, key ring craft, kaleidoscope making, tech and robotics, jewellery making, and movies with popcorn.

For event details and to book library events download the Somerset On The Go app on your smartphone or visit


Put your robotics skills to the test with Somerset Libraries this January.



Major project newsletters out now

Somerset Regional Council has launched two new quarterly newsletters to keep the community informed about major projects in the region.

The first issues of the Kilcoy Streetscape Newsletter and Lowood Futures Newsletter are available now.

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the two major projects were a collaborative effort between Council and the communities of Kilcoy and Lowood.

“Keeping our residents informed and engaged is key to the success of these initiatives,” Cr Wendt said.

“The newsletters will include project specific information including Council updates on funding and developments, progress on project designs and updates from advisory committee meetings.

“I encourage the Kilcoy and Lowood communities to grab a copy.”

Read the newsletters online at

The Lowood Futures Newsletter is available at the Lowood Customer service Centre, 1 Michel Street, Lowood.

The Kilcoy Streetscape Newsletter is available at the Kilcoy Customer Service Centre, 15 Kennedy Street, Kilcoy.


Council calls on artists’ expressions of interest

Somerset Regional Council wants to strengthen its ties with artists living within the region and is encouraging expressions of interest from the community.

Council is seeking artists with a strong connection to Somerset who are experienced in delivering large scale public artwork such as murals, sculptures, light art and projections.

Interested artists should supply a copy of their professional biography and examples of public artwork commissions completed in the last five years.

Email Council’s Arts and Culture Manager at

For more information phone 5424 4000.


Celebrate Australia Day in Somerset

Join Somerset Regional Council in celebrating Australia Day with the annual Citizenship and Awards Ceremony and Pool Parties in Kilcoy, Lowood and Toogoolawah.

Somerset Celebrates Australia Day 2025 will be held on Friday, 24 January instead of Sunday, 26 January, so the community can enjoy its long weekend without missing out on the fun.

The event will kick off at 9am with the Citizenship Ceremony and awards, followed by a free morning tea, live music and wildlife encounters until 12pm.

Book online at

Australia Day Pool Parties will be held on 26 January from 10am to 4pm at Lowood Swimming Pool, Toogoolawah Swimming Pool and Kilcoy Aquatic Centre.

Entry to the pool parties is free and all are welcome.


Check your dog registration details

Are your dog registration details up to date?

Somerset Regional Council introduced a three-year dog registration period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026.

Council offers a discount for future registration periods if your dog is desexed and you can provide a certificate.

If your address or phone number has changed since the last registration renewal, phone Council on 5424 4000 or email


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