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Complaints Process


Council has a formal administrative review process, called the "administrative action complaints process", in place. This process provides customers the opportunity to request an administrative review of decisions made by Council officers or Council in relation to the length of time, quality or how an officer has treated a customer and where there are no other appeal provisions available.

Council places a high value on feedback from its customers and this feedback is used to shape and refine the future delivery of products and services.

A crucial part of the feedback process is the Administrative Action Complaints Policy. A key objective of this policy is to promote public confidence in Council by ensuring openness and transparency in handling applications for administrative review of decisions made about its services and products.

How to lodge an administrative review application

If you have not previously raised this matter or lodged a complaint with Council, you must first contact Council to raise the issue. You are encouraged to play an active part in the resolution of the problem by providing Council with as much relevant information as possible and any supporting evidence to enable a solution to be found. Complaints will be treated confidentially, however intending complainants should note that Council may be obliged to disclose their personal details to an external body for investigation or under legal or statutory processes.  Anonymous complaints will be accepted however it should be noted that anonymity may inhibit Council obtaining further particulars regarding the issue.

For all matters involving a Council officer, you should contact the staff member you have been dealing with in the first instance. This officer will try to resolve the problem where possible, or the matter may be referred to another more appropriate officer to attempt a resolution.

If you remain dissatisfied with the action taken at that level, you are encouraged to contact the staff member's supervisor and, if you wish, seek to have the decision or outcome reviewed. Council will acknowledge receipt of your request for a review and provide you with a response following consideration of the matter.

Your request for review may be made orally, however you are encouraged to put your request for review in writing.

There is no fee associated with lodging an administrative review application.

Once an administrative review request has been received, Council will endeavour to deal with complaint within the timeframes of 10 business days for urgent matters, 30 business days for non-urgent complaints, and 45 business days for complex complaints or those requiring investigation under the external review mechanism.

In the event that you remain dissatisfied with the review undertaken by Council under this process you may refer the matter to an external complaint management body, such as the Queensland Ombudsman's Office


For further details and information on how to make an administrative review application or for further information, please contact Council on 07 5424 4000.