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Land for Wildlife

Started in Victoria in 1981 the Land for Wildlife Program has expanded across Australia and there are over 3500 properties involved in the program in South East Queensland, managing over 53,000 hectares of land for nature conservation. In the Somerset region there are over 80 landholders involved in the program.

Council's natural resource management officer, manages the Land for Wildlife Program in Somerset. Land for Wildlife is a great way for primary producers, hobby farmers and those seeking an alternative lifestyle to get all sorts of advice on:


  • Native plants
  • Wildlife
  • Weed identification and control
  • Revegetation
  • Integration of nature conservation into
    grazing and other land management activities

To be eligible to join the program, properties should contain at least 1 hectare of habitat and should be seeking to integrate nature conservation as part of their property management.

The Land for Wildlife program is entirely voluntary and in no way changes how you can utilise your property.

Participants in the Land for Wildlife Program receive one-on-one property visits, newsletters, iconic signage for your property, field days and workshops. Land for Wildlife registration does not alter the legal status of a property, convey the right of public access, nor represent an official wildlife sanctuary.

The Land for Wildlife workshops are a key attraction for participants, as it gives owners the opportunity to chat with similar property owners about any issues they might be facing.

Phone Council on 07 5424 4000 with any questions you may have about Land for Wildlife, or visit the Land for Wildlife South East Queensland website.