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Read or listen to thousands of popular and bestselling eBooks, audiobooks and magazines on your device.



Read or listen to thousands of popular and bestselling eBooks, audiobooks and magazines on your device. You can borrow up to 8 eBooks, 5 audiobooks and 8 magazines for a loan period of 14 days.

How do I login?

First time users:

Download the BorrowBox Library app. Type in Somerset and choose ‘Somerset Regional Council Library’ from the A-Z listing. Type in your library card number and PIN, then tap ‘Sign In’. Tap ‘Agree’ to the terms and conditions. Type in your email address then tap ‘Done’. A short tutorial will commence to familiarise you with how BorrowBox works. Tap ‘Next’ to scroll through the tutorial slides or tap ‘Skip’. At the bottom of the screen tap on either ‘eBooks’, 'eAudiobooks' or ‘ePress’ to begin browsing the collection. Tap 'Children' at the top of the screen to view Junior items.
With a web browser, click on ‘Sign In’ at the top right-hand side of the screen. Type in your library card number and PIN. Then click ‘Sign In’. Type in your email address. Click on the check box to agree to the terms and conditions. Then click on ‘Complete Registration’. Click on ‘eBooks’, 'eAudiobooks' or ‘ePress’ to begin browsing the collection. Then click on 'All Ages' and choose 'Children' to view Junior items.

For help:

Visit your nearest library or phone 5424 4000 to book a one-on-one BorrowBox session with a library team member. BorrowBox help is also available on the BorrowBox website and the BorrowBox app.
Not sure of your PIN number? See our ‘Ask Us’ page for more information.


Bolinda Digital Pty Ltd

Comics Plus


Comics Plus has thousands of comics, graphic novels, and manga from over one hundred publishers.


Comics Plus

Comics Plus has thousands of comics, graphic novels, and manga from over one hundred publishers. Every title on Comics Plus is always available. Please note that this link will take you to the children’s collection. A link for the full library collection is available on our eLending page.

How do I login?

First time users:

Download the Library Pass app. Tap the ‘Get Started’ button at the bottom of the screen. Type in Somerset Libraries and choose ‘Somerset Libraries QLD – Childrens Library’ from the A-Z listing. Type in your library card number and PIN. Then tap ‘Log In’.
With a web browser, type in your library card number and PIN. Then click ‘Log in’.

For help:

Visit your nearest library or phone 5424 4000 to book a one-on-one Comics Plus session with a library team member. Comics Plus help is also available on the Library Pass website and the Library Pass app.
Not sure of your PIN number? See our ‘Ask Us’ page for more information.


Comics Plus

Story Box



Watch Australian stories read by some of our finest storytellers, on your computer, tablet or Smartphone.


Story Box Library

The Story Box Library is a collection of stories for children and families, written by celebrated children’s authors and illustrators, read by a diverse range of everyday storytellers – sportspeople, musicians, grandparents, teenagers, comedians, actors, with varying accents and from different cultures – each sharing past and present book titles. The result is meaningful, entertaining readings that focus on both teller and tale.

How do I login?

You will be reading stories with celebrities in no time when you follow these simple login instructions. To begin click ‘LOG IN’ in the top righthand corner of the screen.

You will be directed to the generic login page. Underneath the generic login there is a button that reads ‘Click here for library barcode login’: click it.

On the login screen choose ‘Somerset Regional Council’ from the drop-down menu (if you start typing it will appear) and enter your library card number into the respective field. Finally, click ‘LOG IN’ to access your account. Enjoy.


Story Box Library



LOTE Online for Kids


Storytime, in your language.



LOTE4Kids is our new database of digital books in World Languages, created for children to enjoy books and learn language through storytelling. The platform provides over 1400+ digital books in 45+ languages together with English translations. New books and languages are released each month, so stay tuned.

How do I login?

Enter your library card number into the respective field. Click ‘SUBMIT’ to access your account. Enjoy.





Birdie's Tree


Birdie’s Tree helps children cope with stressful events like storms, floods and bushfires.


Birdie's Tree

Birdie and Mr Frog are good friends who help each other through tough times.

Reading Birdie stories can help babies and young children understand, cope with and recover from stressful events like natural disasters.

On the Birdie’s Tree website kids can read the storybooks, play games, enjoy ‘Fun With Birdie’ activities, and even learn to chill with ‘Relaxing With Birdie’. There’s helpful information for parents too.

How do I access the website?

Just click on this link or browse ‘Birdie’s Tree’.


Birdie's Tree

Code Club




Free, step-by-step guides for young learners to create animations, games, websites and much more.



eSafety Kids


Want some help staying safe online?

Explore lots of easy info on pages created just for you.



eSafety Parents


Parents and guardians can learn about the digital environment, including strategies to keep the whole family safe online.