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Uniting Care Community Support Counselling

Service name
Uniting Care
07 3816 9623
Level 1, 38 Limestone Street Ipswich
Service program
Individual Counselling is offered face-to-face (some opportunities for outreach counselling) with a qualified counsellors about a range of emotional or psychological concerns, with the aim of improving a person’s resilience, wellbeing, and ability to participate positively in their community.
Geographic coverage area
Fernvale and Lowood and can cover other parts of Somerset including up to Moore and Linville if able to travel to Ipswich.
Model of service delivery
Face to face at Ipswich, with one day outreach being available for those over 16 years, but a limited service. Phone.service currently offered.
Eligibility criteria (including age)
Children over 5 years, Youths and Adults
Referral pathways
Self or agency referral
No out of pocket expense.
Funded through contract
Two years
Intake capacity and limitations
Duration service can be provided
Short to medium term counselling. With review periods for extension to service as required.