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DrugARM - Breakthrough for Families

Service name
DrugARM Breakthough for Families
Intake 07 3620 8880 Ipswich office 07 3620 8850
269 Brisbane Street Ipswich 4305
Service program
Breakthrough for Families Breakthrough for Families Qld is an information, referral and support program for family members, significant others and loved ones of people who are experiencing alcohol or other drug issues. We help family members and significant others to understand alcohol and other drug use, and what they can do to help their loved one. We can also provide strategies to make changes to their own circumstances, implement healthy boundaries and build resilience.
Geographic coverage area
Brisbane Valley side of Somerset and all West Moreton area.
Model of service delivery
Eligibility criteria (including age)
18 years and over
Referral pathways
Services can refer, but self referral is preferred by contacting the intake number.
Intake capacity and limitations
No wait list
Duration service can be provided
Twelve weeks service period with possibility of extension.