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Carers Qld Your Caring Way

Service name
Carers Qld Your Caring Way
1300 585 636
Level 1, 120 Chalk Street, Lutwyche Qld 4030
Service program
Your Caring Way provides free employment services, subsidised training, and personalised coaching for unpaid carers. We do this through one-on-one personal coaching sessions to develop a plan to assist the carer reach their vocational goals.
Geographic coverage area
Queensland - statewide
Model of service delivery
Our coaching sessions are delivered over the phone or via zoom.
Eligibility criteria (including age)
Current unpaid carer or past carer (within the last two years) , Reside in either Queensland, Tasmania, or South Australia , Unemployed or underemployed , Seeking an outcome of either employment, education, training, or volunteering , Of legal working age, no longer at high school, and looking to study or work
Referral pathways
An individual can register at:, Organisations can refer a carer at: , Call: 1300 585 636 , Email:
Funded through contract
Funded until December 2022
Intake capacity and limitations
No limit or wait time
Duration service can be provided
Unique to the carer. However, if it’s employment the carer would like support with we provide what we call ‘post placement support.’ Once we help the carer find employment, volunteer role or commence some study we keep in touch for 12 months to provide any further support as required.