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Somerset Regional Council Meeting Highlights - 10 April 2024

First Council meeting for new elected member team, Somerset Regional Council’s first meeting for the newly elected member team was held in Esk on Wednesday, 10 March...

Published: 10th April 2024


First Council meeting for new elected member team

Somerset Regional Council’s first meeting for the newly elected member team was held in Esk on Wednesday, 10 April.

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said it was the “official start of something exciting for our Somerset region”.

Cr Wendt is joined by councillors Helen Brieschke, Michael Bishop, Kylee Isidro, Tiara Hurley, Brett Freese and Sally Jess.

Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Simeon Lord Room in the Esk Library building.

The next meeting will be held on 24 April starting at 9am.

Agendas are available prior to each meeting from


Deputy Mayor appointed for Somerset

Somerset councillors have unanimously supported the appointment of Helen Brieschke as Deputy Mayor for the next four years.

Cr Brieschke said she was humbled to again be assigned to the role.

“I would like to extend my thanks to my colleagues for voting me in this role and I look forward to the next four years,” Cr Brieschke said.

“I will perform the role of Deputy Mayor to the best of my ability.” 


Somerset Regional Council Deputy Mayor Helen Brieschke. 


Councillors appointed to various committees

Somerset Councillors have been appointed to various committees across the region.

Mayor Jason Wendt has been appointed to various committees including the Audit Committee, Local Disaster Management Group, Lockyer Valley and Somerset Water Collaborative, Pest Management Working Group, Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee and various local government specific bodies.

Deputy Mayor Helen Brieschke has been assigned to the Audit Committee, Local Disaster Management Group, Pest Management Group and Chair of The Condensery – Somerset Regional Art Gallery Advisory Committee.

All councillors have been appointed to the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee and the Mount Glen Rock Steering Committee.

An exhaustive list of councillor representation of various committees and community groups will be made available on Council’s website,


Garden Centre progresses in Lowood

Somerset Regional Council has taken a further step toward the development of a garden centre and nursery in Main Street at Lowood.

Council has decided to amalgamate three freehold lots at the former Telstra site. The decision further paves the way to transform the site into a garden centre development.

Council continues to progress a lease over the site for West Moreton Landcare Group Inc.

The change will also result in a reduction in Council operating costs.


Greening Lowood Pipeline tender awarded

Somerset Regional Council has awarded a tender to construct a recycled water pipeline to three key areas in Lowood.

The project, Greening Lowood, is a council initiative to provide benefit to the community on the back of the newly constructed Lowood Fernvale wastewater treatment plant.

The tender has been awarded to Silverstrand Development who, at a cost of about $1.5 million, will be responsible for the supply and installation of a new pipeline that will, when complete, service the Lowood Bowls Club, Lowood Recreational Reserve and Lowood Golf Club.

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the project was about drought proofing these key community use areas.

Council will utilise $1.4 million in funding secured through the SEQ Community Stimulus Program to help deliver this project.


Somerset small business sentiment survey

Small business operators in Somerset are being encouraged to complete an online survey to help Council understand the sector better.

The survey will open on Monday (15 April) and be available from council’s website –

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the survey responses will help council better understand the variety of small businesses in Somerset as well as the constraints they are faced with.

“The responses will also enable us, as Council, to see how we can do more to support business operators now and into the future,” Cr Wendt said.  


NB: Somerset Regional Council held its ordinary meeting and statutory meeting for the newly elected member team in the Simeon Lord room at the Esk Library on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 9am. 

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