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Dwelling Houses
This information sheet provides a summary of planning scheme requirements for dwelling houses in the Somerset region. For information regarding building approval processes please refer to the building information section of Council’s website (
A dwelling house is a standalone residence, defined as:
A residential use of premises involving: (a) 1 dwelling for a single household and any domestic outbuildings associated with the dwelling; or (b) 1 dwelling for a single household, a secondary dwelling, and any associated domestic outbuildings associated with either dwelling. |
What is the Level of Assessment for a dwelling house?
Under the Somerset Regional Planning Scheme Version Two, dwelling houses are generally accepted development subject to requirements in zones where residential uses are anticipated, which means they will not require a planning approval provided that they comply with specific criteria. The table below is a summary of the tables of assessment in Part 5 of the planning scheme, and identifies the zones where a dwelling house can be accepted development. The specific criteria can be identified by referring to the planning scheme table identified in brackets in the zone column of the summary below.
Table 1
Zone |
Accepted development subject to requirements* |
Code Assessment |
Impact Assessment |
Centre (5.5.1) |
Community facilities (5.5.2) |
Emerging community (5.5.3) |
General residential (5.5.4) |
High impact industry (5.5.5) |
Industry (5.5.6) |
Recreation and open space (5.5.7) |
Rural residential (5.5.8) |
Rural (5.5.9) |
Township (5.5.10) |
* Accepted development subject to requirements becomes code assessable where specific planning scheme criteria aren’t met.
Note - To check the zoning of land where you want to build the dwelling house you can do a property search on Council’s eServices, consult the planning scheme maps on Council’s website or phone Council on (07) 5424 4000.
When does a dwelling house need a planning approval?
A dwelling house will only require a planning approval where the specific accepted development requirements identified in the tables of assessment (generally the Dwelling house code and the Transport, access and parking code) are not met or if the land is affected by one of the planning scheme overlays. Below is a summary of circumstances where a proposed dwelling house will need a development approval for a material change of use:
- where the building height will be more than two storeys and 8.5m above ground level;
- where site cover will exceed 50% in the General residential zone, 20% in the Park residential precinct of the General residential zone or the Rural residential zone;
- where it will be set back less than 10m from the street frontage in the Park residential precinct of the General residential zone, the Rural residential zone, or the Emerging community zone or where it will be setback less than 15m from any boundary in the Rural zone;
- where it will include, or is for a new, granny flat (secondary dwelling);
- where it will be on land in the Rural zone with an area less than 4000m2 or which does not have frontage to and access from a road identified as a formed road in Council’s road register;
- where more than one non-domestic vehicle will be parked on the premises at any time in the Centre zone, Park residential precinct of the General residential zone, Rural residential zone and the Township zone;
- where there will not be a minimum of two car parking spaces provided on-site;
- where it will be on land in the Rural zone and will be located within 500m of, and not associated with, an existing intensive animal industry or extractive industry not associated with a key resource area;
- where it will be on land in the Centre zone and will involve building work other than minor building work or where it involves only minor building work but building height will exceed 8.5m and two storeys above ground level, it won’t be built to the primary street frontage or will not be set back at least 3m from the rear boundary;
- where it will be on land in the Community facilities zone, High impact industry zone, Industry zone or Recreation and open space zone;
- where it will be located within the Kilcoy non-directional beacon buffer, within the Mt Glorious Airservices tower buffer, within the RAAF Amberley Airbase building height restriction area, the RAAF Amberley Airbase 20-25 ANEF contour or the RAAF Amberley Airbase operational airspace-wildlife attraction restriction area identified on the Air Transport overlay Map OM002;
- where it will be located in a protected area, wildlife habitat, regulated vegetation or legally secured offset area identified on Biodiversity Overlay Maps OM003a-b, located in bushland koala habitat identified on Biodiversity Overlay-Koala Conservation Maps OM003c-d, located in a wetland or wetland buffer area identified on Biodiversity Overlay-Wetlands Maps OM003e-f or located in a buffer to a watercourse identified on the Catchment Management Overlay maps OM005a-b AND it will not comply with the accepted development requirements identified in the Biodiversity overlay code (Table;
- where it will be located in a Medium (potential intensity), High (potential intensity) or Very High (potential intensity) bushfire hazard area identified on the Bushfire Hazard Overlay Maps OM004a-b AND will not comply with the accepted development requirements identified in the Bushfire hazard overlay code (Table;
- where it will be located within a buffer area identified on the Catchment Management Overlay Maps OM005a-b and it will not comply with the accepted development identified in the Catchment management overlay code (Table;
- where it will be located within a resource/ processing area or potential resource/ processing area, separation area or potential separation area, transport route separation area or transport investigation area identified on the Extractive Resources Overlay maps OM006a-b;
- where it will be located in a Significant, Low, Potential, High or Extreme flood hazard area on Flood Hazard Overlay Maps OM007a-g AND it will not comply with the accepted development identified in the Flood Hazard Overlay Code (Table;
- where it will be located within a gas pipeline Buffer Area, high voltage electricity transmission line buffer area, a highway or main road buffer area (where not located in a town or small township identified on the strategic Settlement Pattern Strategic Framework maps SFM001a-c;
- where it will be located within the Landslide Hazard Area identified on the landslide Hazard Overlap Map OM010a-b AND it will not comply with the accepted development identified in the Landslide hazard overlay code (Table;
- where it will be located on a, or adjoining, a local heritage place identified on the Local Heritage Register Overlay Maps OM011a-d (impact assessable where it will involve building work that involves the demolition, relocation or removal of a local heritage place);
- where it will be within a High Scenic Amenity Area, Other scenic mountains or Scenic route buffer section identified on the Scenic Amenity Overlay Maps OM012a-b;
- where it will be on land in the Rural zone a located on or within a buffer area to a Stockroute identified on the Stockroute Management Overlay Maps OM013a-b.
Note – To check whether an overlay affects the land where you want to build the dwelling house you can do a property enquiry on Council’s eServices, consult the planning scheme maps on Council’s website or phone Council on (07) 5424 4000.
What are the application fees?
Application fees are detailed in Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges.
What forms will be required?
If your dwelling house requires a planning approval, your application will need the following forms:
DA form 1 - Development application details
What other approvals will I need?
A dwelling house will also require a building approval and a plumbing and drainage approval. Further information about the building approval process can be found on the building information section of Council’s website ( Further information concerning the plumbing approval process can be found on the plumbing information section of Council’s website (
Administrative definitions used in this information sheet
Words which appear in italics are administrative definitions, and have a specific meaning as defined in Table SC1.2.2 of the planning scheme.
Need more information?
For additional information, including the full details of the planning scheme codes and the administrative definitions, please refer to the Somerset Region Planning Scheme on Council’s website. The Somerset Region Planning User Guide and the Making an application information sheet also provide additional information which may assist you. Alternatively, feel free to contact Council on (07) 5424 4000 or email your enquiry to