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Health info - Compliance and enforcement

Complaint management


Should you have a problem or issue, always attempt to discuss the issue directly with the person responsible for the nuisance in order to try and achieve a solution. Give them an appropriate time frame to do something about it. If the situation hasn't changed after that time, it may then be necessary to contact the appropriate authority.

Council only has jurisdiction to act on some public health risk matters, and shares the responsibility of public health risks with other government agencies. Different health risks may be addressed by different agencies. 


  • Asbestos at a business or commercial premises or a contractor conducting work - contact Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
  • Asbestos which is not at a workplace (homeowner carrying out works to own home) - contact Council.

Illegal drug laboratories (clan labs)

Lead based paint removal and cleaning


  • Breeding (or potential for breeding) on Council, residential and commercial land - contact Council.

Rats and mice

  • Harbouring (or potential for harbouring) on Council, residential and commercial land - contact Council.


  • Accumulation or deposit on residential and commercial land - contact Council.