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Pollution Info - Noise



Swimming pool, spa and other water pumps need to comply with the permitted noise levels and not cause a nuisance to neighbours.


Permitted noise levels

If the noise at a premises is over the following levels, a fine or notice may be issued to the responsible person:

  • 7am to 7pm - no more than five decibels (A) above the background noise level
  • 7pm to 10pm – no more than three decibels (A) above the background noise level
  • 10pm to 7am – no noise heard.


How to reduce noise levels

You can help to reduce noise by:

  • limiting hours of use – understand how long your pool filter needs to run for
  • selecting a quieter model
  • choosing the pump location carefully (avoid placing near neighbouring bedroom windows, offices, multiple walls and corners)
  • performing regular maintenance
  • installing a solid fence or barrier
  • installing an acoustic enclosure - check with the manufacturer or installer for advice
  • modifying equipment – check with the manufacturer or installer for advice.

This information is also available as a pump noise fact sheet